Oxygen concentration: Recommended sets

Our production has a modular character. Various combinations of meters and other components successfully cover a wide range of applications in industry, water management, and many other areas. Upon request, we will be happy to offer you a suitable configuration tailored for your application. If you want to better orient yourself in the products of our company, some typical sets proven in practice follow. However, this is far from a complete list of all possible combinations.

Measurement of oxygen and temperature in the activation tank (in the sludge regeneration tank) of the WWTP

A classic set with an optical oxygen sensor in a robust rod-style probe, with the option of automatic cleaning of the sensor. In parentheses, the variant for two measured locations (reservoirs).

  • 1x MFD88 analyzer configured for 1x(2x) oxygen and temperature measurement, optional 2x relay outputs
  • For outdoor installation 1x MUT13V clamp with protective cover
  • 1x(2x) submersible probe SPO41K or SPO41MEK (with automatic cleaning)
  • 1x(2x) oxygen and temperature sensor CSOT53PS
  • 1x(2x) MUT11B clamp

Measurement of oxygen and temperature in the activation tank (in the sludge regeneration tank) of the WWTP - lightweight version

A simple set with a freely suspended optical oxygen sensor. In parentheses, the variant for two measured locations (reservoirs).

  • 1x MFD88 analyzer configured for 1x(2x) oxygen and temperature measurement, optional 2x relay outputs
  • For outdoor installation 1x MUT13V clamp with protective cover
  • 1x(2x) oxygen and temperature sensor CSOT63-88
  • 1x(2x) MUT14 clamp

Measurement of oxygen and temperature in the activation tank (in the sludge regeneration tank) of the WWTP - minimum version

The simplest set consisting only of a freely suspended optical oxygen sensor. This variant is not a full-fledged meter. It requires external power supply and provides only just uncalibrated 4-20 mA output. Suitable only in connection with another system supporting measurement calibration.

Oxygen and temperature measurement for aerobic sludge sanitation

A set with an optical oxygen sensor in an open tank or in a pipe, for an extended range of working temperatures.

  • 1x MFD88 analyzer configured for 1x oxygen and temperature measurement
  • For outdoor installation 1x MUT13V clamp with protective cover
  • 1x submersible probe SPO41K (for open tank), or sensor sleeve PE G3/4K (for a pipe)
  • 1x oxygen and temperature sensor CSOT53PSN
  • 1x MUT11B clamp (only if the probe SPO41 is used)

Measurement of oxygen and temperature for surface waters - rivers, ponds, reservoirs

Set with automatically cleaned optical oxygen sensor. In parentheses, the variant for two measured locations.

  • 1x MFD88 analyzer configured for 1x(2x) oxygen and temperature measurement
  • For outdoor installation 1x MUT13V clamp with protective cover
  • 1x(2x) submersible probe SPO41MEK with automatic cleaning
  • 1x(2x) oxygen and temperature sensor CSOT53PS
  • 1x(2x) MUT11B clamp (if needed)

Oxygen and temperature measurement for water treatment plants - raw water

A set with automatically cleaned optical oxygen sensor, water sample supplied by hose.

  • 1x MFD88 analyzer configured for 1x oxygen and temperature measurement
  • 1x flow-through probe SPR41ME with automatic cleaning
  • 1x oxygen and temperature sensor CSOT53PL

Oxygen and temperature measurement for fish farming technologies

Sets with automatically cleaned optical oxygen sensors in robust probes, for 1 - 4 measurement points. Alternatives of measurement directly in the tank, or by feeding a water sample through a hose.

  • 1x MFD88 analyzer
  • For outdoor installation 1x MUT13V clamp with protective cover
  • 1-4x submersible probe SPO41MEK (in the tank), or flow-through probe SPR41MEK (sample through a hose)
  • 1-4x oxygen and temperature sensor CSOT53PS
  • 1-4x MUT11B clamp (if needed, only in the case of SPO41MEK probes)

Oxygen and temperature measurement for fish farming technologies - without cleaning

A simplified set with freely suspended optical oxygen sensors directly in tanks, where there is no need for frequent cleaning of the sensors. The device supports configurations of 1 - 12 measured points (more than 4 outputs only available via the MODBUS interface).

  • 1x MFD88 analyzer
  • For outdoor installation 1x MUT13V clamp with protective cover
  • 1-12x oxygen and temperature sensor CSOT63-88
  • 1-12x MUT14 clamp (if needed)