Conductivity is an indicator of the total concentration of ions in the measured solution, and therefore indirectly of the total content of salts, dissociated acids and bases. In practice, the most commonly used units are μS/cm and mS/cm. For aqueous solutions, conductivity ranges from 0.05 μS/cm for ultrapure waters, to 1 S/cm (or more) for some bases. The value also depends on temperature, so it usually requires temperature compensation. The measurement is sensitive to contamination of the sensor, especially non-conductive deposits. Depending on the nature of the measured medium, it may therefore be appropriate to use probes with mechanical cleaning of the sensor (SPR41ME, SPO41ME) for continuous measurements.
Conductivity: Portable instrument MFD80

Conductivity: Desktop instruments 77

Conductivity: Sensors

Conductivity: Solutions and spare parts