Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP): Sensors

Appropriate sensor is fundamental to any measurement setup. Variety of different types and variants are available, depending on the measured quantities, sensor dimensions, as well as usage workflow, environment, and installation method. The vast majority of sensors listed below are just components of a larger measurement setup, and can therefore be satisfactorily used only with a compatible analyzer. Sensors for in-technology measurements should be installed inside our probes, ensuring their fixing and protection, and these connect to a terminal block. Variants for laboratory and portable usage are terminated with the appropriate connector. Sensors generally have the shortest lifetime of the entire setup, due to direct contact with the measured medium.

ORP sensors


Sensors for measuring ORP integrate both the platinum electrode and the required reference electrode in one unit.

Individual variants differ depending on the purpose of the sensor, mainly in terms of length and method of attachment. Sensor cables for laboratory use are terminated with a connector according to the type of instrument used.

TypeSuitable forDimensions
Pt271TInstallation with SPO41, SPO42, SPR42, SPO41ME, SPR41ME, SVK42, PE G3/4DØ12.2 x 115 mm
Pt271TKInstallation with PB42V, PB43V, SPO41K, SPO41MEK, SPR41MEK, PE G3/4KØ12.2 x 57 mm
on requestLaboratory measurements (multiple options)typ. Ø12.2 / Ø18 x 115 mm

Reference electrodes


For sensors that do not have an integrated reference electrode, separate reference electrodes are required – this is often the case with ion-selective electrodes. Since a pair of separate electrodes is then used, industrial applications will need a suitable probe or flow-through unit that allows at least two sensors to be installed.

Commonly supplied sensors for measuring pH and ORP have the required reference electrodes already integrated, so there is no need to supplement them with additional electrodes.

TypeSuitable forDimensions
RAE111Installation with SPO42, SPR42Ø12.2 x 115 mm
RAE111KInstallation with PB42V, PB43VØ12.2 x 57 mm
on requestLaboratory measurements (multiple options)typ. Ø12.2 (Ø18) x 115 (145) mm