Chlorine dioxide concentration: Recommended sets

Our production has a modular character. Various combinations of meters and other components successfully cover a wide range of applications in industry, water management, and many other areas. Upon request, we will be happy to offer you a suitable configuration tailored for your application. If you want to better orient yourself in the products of our company, some typical sets proven in practice follow. However, this is far from a complete list of all possible combinations.

Measurement of chlorine dioxide in water treatment plants

A set with sensor in a cost-saving flow-through unit, suitable for clean water. Water sample is supplied through a tube. The variant for two measured locations is given in parentheses.

  • 1x MFD88 analyzer configured for 1x(2x) chlorine dioxide
  • 1x(2x) flow-through unit PB42V
  • 1x(2x) PK41 junction box
  • 1x(2x) sensor CSDT43PS-R

Measurement of chlorine dioxide and pH in water treatment plants

A set with a pair of sensors in a cost-saving flow-through unit, suitable for clean water. Water sample is supplied through a tube. The variant for two measured locations is given in parentheses.

  • 1x MFD88 analyzer configured for 1x(2x) chlorine dioxide and 1x(2x) pH
  • 1x(2x) flow-through unit PB42V
  • 1x(2x) PK41 junction box
  • 1x(2x) sensor CSDT43PS-R
  • 1x(2x) ph sensor 01-29GK