Conductivity: Application examples

INSA analyzers and measuring sets are used in a wide range of applications in industry, water management, and in a number of other areas. Below you will find brief information and tips on some typical applications.

Conductivity measurement in swimming pools


A modern way of disinfecting water for swimming pools uses a salt solution instead of chlorine dosing. Water treated in this way has properties similar to sea water and is especially suitable for people sensitive to chlorine.

Conductivity measurement is used in the preparation of a salt solution with suitable concentration, which is then dosed into the clean water entering the pool. Two-electrode sensors from our offer are suitable for this measurement.

Measurement of conductivity in drinking water treatment plants


Conductivity measurement is used in the preparation of milk of lime for subsequent alkalization. The analyzers control the dosing elements and automatically ensure the optimal concentration of milk of lime.

The conductivity values here are in the tens of mS/cm. Thanks to the advanced technology of INSA analyzers, two-electrode sensors from our offer work well in this case, and may also be easily combined with automatic cleaning where necessary (SPR41ME and SPO41ME probes).

Production of distilled and deionized water

Conductivity is a basic parameter to indicate the quality of distilled, redistilled or deionized water.

The conductivity value in these cases varies from tenths of µS/cm to units of µS/cm. The CE11 two-electrode sensor is suitable for this measurement.

Conductivity measurement in surface water monitoring


Conductivity is one of the standard parameters measured in surface waters. In this case, the value of conductivity indicates primarily the sodium chloride content.

For this application, it is advisable to use sensors with automatic cleaning of the sensors, which eliminate contamination of the electrodes and the resulting effect on the measured value.